Thursday 21 March 2013

Tired . ( fullstop )

to all my blod readers~|
Lets take five,,
d0esnt mean eat kit kat 4 take 5,,
but take 5, breath then say Alhamdulillah..
take 5, say Astaghfirullahal’Azim…..

Alhamdulillah c0z am still alive until now…..
Astaghfirullahal’Azam c0z I’ve made lots of d0sa….

Kadang2 kita terlupa untuk ucapkan Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat yang dikurnia-Nya,,
manusia tidak sunyi dari berbuat dosa even maybe in uncounsious…..
sape boleh cakap hari nie dy xbuat dosa langsung?
kita bukan nabi yang bersifat ma’sum yakni tidak berbuat dosa…
kita hanyalah manusia biasa yang hidup sementara di atas dunia ney…..
manusia yang sering kali lupa alpa untuk mengucapkan Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat-Nya.

am tired.
full stop.
actually that’s all I want to say….
but since am going to write in blog, which a social network that’s people used too write a long thing, not just a short things like a statement….
alang-alang da menaip ney, taip la pnjg sket…

am really tired now,, a kind of exhausted maybe.
it’s a long day today…
am just arrived hostel on 8,, waiting 4 the bus on 7…
that’s normal here…
even though u’ve to wait a few hours, its worth to wait,,
bc0z u’ll get home safetly rather than use another way…

am tired with lots of things to do…
am I going to have headache??
hope not….
that’s all…
am still not really well until now…
but just pretend to be okay infronts of others…
dont wanna make any0ne worried~
am fine. Thank you =)
da fake smile?
sometime we need that.
Definetly not in everything, depends on situations…
for others sake,, maybe its allow…
there’s no rules in smile,,
whether u want to smile in happiness,
smile in sadness,,
smile in tiredness,
or just smile when u speechless….

what am I bubbling here??
am tired.
da start merapu tah pape…
tgh unstable ….
if u read anything here that u think out ur mind,
don’t take it serius…
just ignore it….

enough here.
tah pape la…..
jd cmni sbb penat…
xtau nk taip ape dah….

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