Thursday 21 February 2013

second sem, first year~

Alhamdulillah second semester already begins since last week..
Dah start blaja subject2 yg torg amxsem ney, just a few subject yg bl0m msk,
lab pn dah start, smlm ade briefing fasal photoshop & cara guna pe sume 2~
Lecturer pn start dah, class pn, assignment pn dh tau kne buat ape~
M0stly assignment kne buat in group, just assignment yg biasa2 individual..
Assignment yg kne buat kje luar mmg buat ingroup~

s0 far, stakat yg dh blaja ney ok la,, boley catch up~
Alhamdulillah dh ade basic sket2 berkenaan photoshop ,
InsyaAllah boley la tlg ajar kwn sket2, takat yg mne tau …
Ilmu Allah itu luas, even photoshop ney berkenaan multimedia,
myb ade y ckp ney ilmu dunia je, but if kte pkai ke arah islamic ttp dpt pahala..
byk bnda blh buat pkai ps ney, ilmu yg ade kt dunia ney sume ilmu Allah..
Semakin kita kongsi ilmu yg kte tau, InsyaAllahlg Allah tmbh ilmu kita~
Makin kita bantu kawan2 ape yg kte tahu, makin Allah berkati ilmu yg kita perolehi~
s0 jgn kedekut ilmu ye,, ingt! Ney sume Ilmu Allah, kte just diberi sedikit kelebihan,
if kte lebih sedikit pengetahuan berkenaan sesuatu, share la ngn kwn2~
InsyaAllah 6t ilmu 2 lg lama kekal dlm diri kita~

F0r our first assignment, kt0rg kne buat blog tuk subject Pengantar ilmu Grafik Laman Web~
every0ne need to have their own blog~
how bout Aya Himitsu? Am already have my own rite?
but am not using this blog as my assignment..
am already create the new one to send the link to lecturer~
Why? Hehee~
Blog ney x sesuai kot nk htr kt lecturer.. hehe
Besides, just like my name Himitsu which means secret,
I didn’t have any intention to share this blog t0 my coursemate or classmate..
just a few of my classmate kn0w bout this blog~
am n0t create this blog to anyone know who am I to read the entry I’ve wrote here..
Just use this blog as my online diary, but definetly not to share with the one know me~
am just write here to share with public but those who doesn’t have any idea bout who Aya Himitsu actually is~
s0 am decided to create the new one then send it to lecturer..
anyone can view my blog course we’ve to submit our link at forum~
for those wanna see my new blog, just click here  ✉

Next assignment bout Arabic,  by group we’ve to make  a video bout what we will 10 years later,
and that must relate to our courses Quranic Multimedia Studies~
in group we’ve 4 girls and 3 boys,, all 7 of us need to appear in the video~

Monday 18 February 2013

Jangan nak Menggedik -_-"

Ustazah: "Nak tanya apa lagi, ustazah penat da ni."

Student: "Saya nak pakai purdah, boleh?"

Ustazah: "Tak payah. Kalau awak tak boleh kawal diri sendiri dari:

1. Menggedik.

2. Gambarholic. (gile amik gambar)

3. Berniat untuk menarik perhatian orang.

4. Pakai geo-lense berwarna-warni aneka corak.

5. Berniat just nak cover muka awak tak cantik. So, bila pakai nampak mata cantik naiklah saham sikit.

6. Couple. Yg ni mmg takleh blah. Canang cinta rindu sana sini, set relationship bagai. Gaduh sebab lelaki. Adoiyai."

Student: "Haish!"

Ustazah: "Tak payah protes. Tak payah. Sebelum awak pakai purdah, belajar dulu hal ehwal aurat yg asas dengan baik. Purdah ni advanced dah. Tak payah poyokan diri dengan assume 'Berubah lebih baik itu adalah dengan pakai purdah'. Wronglah. Mulakan dengan belajar ilmu pengetahuan dulu. Betulkan sikap diri sendiri. Betulkan akhlak tu dulu. Kalau akhlak cantik, aurat yang basic ni lulus, barulah boleh nak proceed lebih lanjut ke peringkat seterusnya.

Berubah ni step by step. Bukan terkejut macam kena karen."

Student: "Haish"

Ustazah: "Berubah sikit2. Konsisten tu penting. Bukannya berubah kejap hangat2 taik ayam je. Orang yang tak istiqamah kita boleh nampak dia tunjuk perangai tak elok dia wlpn dia pakai purdah pun. Ok dahlah. Ustazah nak balik masak."

Student terus tak puas hati dengan jawapan ustazah ittew sampai ke hari ini. Kalau diikutkan hatinya, mahu saja dia angkat banner protes kata2 ustazah tersebut. Banner tersebut ditulis, "Aku nak pakai gak, so what?!"


via - Syabab Musafir Kasih

Second semester is about to begins….

Sobahal khoir ^_^
Ohaiyo gozaimassu !
Good morning!!

h0yyeah! Am already at residential college n0w~
wh0a! happy jer Aya Himitsu dpt blk kolej kn?? Wahahaaahaa..
Even though the semester holiday finish already (badly) but am just fine
cause am quite excited to start the new semester…
yeah! Next sem, Aya Himiitsu da msk sem.2,, yeahh!
Second semester in degree~
wh0a! cepatnyerr mase berlalu…. Rase cm br je register msk U ney..
especially lps tgk pic mse dtg register hr 2…
feel like am just register here few days ago~
cepat giler mse berlalu… sekelip mata da abz 1 sem….
Betul la,, be akhir zaman ney, mase dirasakan semakin pantas berlalu,
setahun dirasakan seperti sebulan;
sebulan dirasak seperti seminggu;
seminggu dirasakan seperti sehari;
sehari lak rase cm, eh, br je bgn, dh mlm bk dah???!
Ha! Tu la fasal, semaki akhir zaman da ney..
sadarlah wahai manusia sekalian (including u the 0ne wh0 write this entry)
mase atas dunia semakin singkat,, amalan sebagai bekalan untuk bwk 6t br ciput je..
s0 byk2 kn lh berbuat amal kebaikan , and also cuba cegah kemungkaran as we can,,
“amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar”

Ahem. Dah msk slot tazkirah lak ney,,
tape2 at least bile korang bace, kot2 la ade yg terbuka aty, dpt la jgk pahala kt Aya kn.. hehe
At least ade la jgk kebaikan yg Aya buat kt da pinky belog ney,, ajak buat kebaikan..
okeh. Harap slot tazkirah ringkas kt atas 2 dpt bg manfaat readers, x byk sket pn jd la..

Back to the topic, sem.2
Alhamdulillah arrived here safely pkul6 pg …
pak guard pn still td0 lg lm Pondok Jaga 2…
Sume serba salah je nk p kejut dy,, masing2 just berdiri dpn pagar 2..
Then ade akak senior (umah sblh Aya jgk) pegi kejut pak guard 2 mntak nk msk..
Then azan subuh kedengaran mse ktorg tgh tggu pak guard bkk gate kt luar 2..
Awal la plak smpai kali ney,, bese xpnh smpai seawal 2..
Paling awal pn kul8 smpai dataran, kali ney 2 jam lbey awal..
Alhamdulillah la, even awal pn sume slamta.. heeee :p
asal nye Aya n’ da geng 3 org je yg naik bas skali,
ble smpai dekat dataran dekat ngn kolej kediaman ney ramai plak yg trun…
lha~ rupenye bdk U Aya jgk yg naik td…
mostly stay hostel skali ngn Aya p ade jgk a few yg stay hostel lain p trun skali la
then dorg naik teksi,, ktorg ney jln kaki je c0z dataran ney mmg dekat je ngn hostel…
mmg klu ade event bley sgt nk pegi dataran 2,, kekadang weekend pegi dataran coz ade pasar malam..
plg koman pn ktorg pegi jejalan pusing satu dataran 2 makan eskremm…. My pebret 2 eskremm.. heee

Msk je kawasan kolej kediaman, wh0a! miss my second home..
xsabar nk start new sem nk blaja sume subject f0r sem.2 ney..
asalnya Aya sorg je kt umah, mmg kosong giler rumah, no one arrive yet..
Aya pn dtg awal sbb tket abz, lau x mmg xde nye smpai kt cni awal2.. hehe
then, esoknya housemate dtg, ps2 akak2 senior pn dtg jgk…
bgnn ney start la bunyi bising, kanak2 ribena, kanak2 riang yg keriangan bertemu kengkawan d0rg.. (erk?! Kanak2?? Haha tade la, dk U kot, bkn kanak2 just dorg yg xcited sgt 2 mcm kanak2 je,, Aya yg kt level 2 ney pn bley dgr suara d0rg yg dk level 1 tu,, mmg macam kanak2 riang ribena la kn?? hahahaha)

0kayss, sem.2…
td cakap xcited nk blaja subject sem.2 kn??hm, stakat ney, dlm list ade 7 subject je,
compared t0 last sem 9 subject include koko..
Sem ney xyah amx koko dh, but for those yg x amx lg last sem kne amx sem ney la..
p best je koko, mcm2 blaja lm kls koko 2.. yg pntg amx ikut minat kita..
Lecturer koko pn best giler, sempoi abz lha! Sgt awesome!
Alhamdulillah Subject koko dpt score in final hr 2… thnx 4or lecturer!!
Subject sem.2 ney agak susah sket la rather then first sem, c0z dlu sume yg basic je,,
msk sem.2 ney subject dah ikut course yg blaja…
xpe, insya-Allah I’ll do my best,study hard work hard t0 score in all da subject..

yEah! Ble bkk sem baru kena la ade azam baru kn,,
azam sem 2 ney Aya nk study betul2, nk work hard since awal2 lg,, nk score sume subject,
and nk dapat Dekan final sem 2 ney… InsyaAllah. Doakn Aya ye.. hehe
Course ney mmg course pilihan Aya sdri, Alhamdulillah dpt course ney ^_^
mmg minat sgt dlm bab2 komputer ney.. bab software, hardware sume mmg suke sgt..
Since skolah lg mmg pgg jawatan as Pengerusi Kelab Ict, s0 ble jd pengerusi ney cikgu ICT ajar lebih..
Ajk induk cgu bg pendedahan berkenaan komputer lbh dr yg lain, c0z cgu ckp Ajk kne tau bab2 komputer ney…
Aya & scha (skang kt mesir) dpt jd anak didik cgu lm baiki komputer..
ktorg tade peruntukan masa untuk blaja komputer,, cgu pn salu bzdgn kls…
Kls ktorg sebelah makmal ICT je so bley ustz-ustazah xmsk @ lmbt msk kls,
kt0rg 2 org akan pegi computer lab blaja sket2 ngn cgu..
then sket2 tu la ktorg start reti baiki n’ format komputer..
Scha la yg terer baiki CPU, Aya ney lebih cm assistant je..
bab2 nk smbg wayar, msk memory kt slot mane 2 just tau sket2 je,,
Aya lbh kpd software, kje Aya format PC, then install windows 7 lm pc skolah..
Xcited ngn windows 7, sbb best je (act sb  6pk cntk.. haha ) sume pc nk tkr win.7..
tp xsmpat pn, a few je yg smpat.. kesuntukan masa la mslh utama..
Best sgt ble berjaya baiki komputer 2,, happy giler kot!
Ktorg xpnh msk mane2 kls komputer pn, just blaja scr informal je ngn cgu…
Ble dpt baiki Pc yg pblem, tkr win.7, baiki CPU, ble hdp blk yg rosak,,
that feeling was s0oo wh0a! Puas Hati..
Bnda2 komputer mmg agak complicated kekdg mmg stressed lha !
tp kepuasan lps berjaya mmg sgt best…
Badly, skang da lupe cane nk format Pc 2,, lame kot tggl, xpractise pn…
Sayang je blaja pnt2 lupe.. 6t knew t revisison blk ney! Hmph!
[ tetibe buat flash back zaman skolah la plak.. -_-“ heeee]
Subject sem.2 ney byk psl komputer,, ade sentence subject 2, senior sdri ckp ssh..
lol. Susah?! S0unds creepy.. ~~”
Harap Aya dpt follow la subject 2, dpt score….
Wh0a! x sabarnye!! Harap sume ok.. risau gak xdpt follow..
geng yg pandai2 tu tlg la ktorg yg br nk blaja ney yer… hehee
0kai, lets stop here.. panjang giler da ney,, nk buat cerpen ke hape AyaHimitsu ney kn?? Haha
okai, wait 4 my next entry yeah ~_^

Thursday 14 February 2013

Apa ade pada 14 februari?

14 Feb? ade ape dgn tarikh ney??
Hurm, mungkin ramai yg akan jawab, 14 feb valentine’s day la…
excuse me? Em, tanye sket,, anda-anda yang menyambut  valentine’s day ney beragama Islam?
Andakah anda tahu berkenan hukum tentang menyambut valentine’s day ini?
Telah di fatwakan bahawa menyambut valentine’s day adalah tidak dibenarkan sama sekali kerana menyambutnya adalah HARAM! Ye! HARAM!
s0, sape yg xtau, sekarang dh tau kn?
h0pe psni ney da xsambut ye..
m0stly yang sambut valentine’s day ney c0uple la,, married person ade je pe a few je la..
c0z kasih syg xperlu tggu valentine’s day br nk tunjuk, sape yg dh kawen 0pkos la sayang pasangan masing2 kn…
s0 yg couple ney, valentine’s day HARAM ! anda couple juga adalah HARAM !
xde istilah couple dalam Islam, s0 there’s no such thing as couple islamic or what so ever something kinda of that… Harapp Maklum~

0k. Done there.
Entry nie bkn lah semata-mata nk focus berkenan valentine’s day je, b0ut wanna write something bout this date….
but I think most of u will remind bout the valentine’s day if anyone mention this date right??
no, no, no…
there’s something else that quite important 4 most of my collegemate…
why? Ehem! 14.2.2013……..
the date that USIMians will put in their reminder…. Why?
because……….. this is the date when our final result come out lha~
mmg la pntg.. result final kowt~
teramat larh penting kn…
Hurm, tp tetibe result da bley check pd ptg 13hb..
have no idea when it come out earlier that the date it supposed to be….

S0, pd hari result kuar ney,, kecoh la kt fb berkenaan perihal result final masing2..
rata-rata yang post mengucapkan syukur atas kejayaan yang berjaya mereka kecapi…
Alhamdulillah. Even xdpt msk Dean List, Aya bersyukur dengan result yg Aya dpt…
setiap yang berlaku pasti ade hikmah di sebaliknya…
Even xde la tggi sgt pointer yg Aya dpt, tp syukur,, boley la… kire ok la.. hehe
again, Alhamdulillah atas segala-galanya…. Spoil kt 1 subject je,, yeah, I admit that am really weak in that subject, Alhamdulillah lulus, ok jgk la,, even xyakin dgn mrkh subject 2, tp ok la.. thank 2 my awesome lecturer that really nice, really generous, work hard 2 help us in this subject c0z most of us not really good in that subject…. My lecturer also really friendly, also a good listener, even just a part time lecturer but ork very hard, use variety of method to help us get the highest pointer as well as we can…
A’la kuli hal, Alhamdulillah hi rabbil ‘alamin….
(Segala puji bg Tuhan semesta alam)

There’s something else in this date..
Tarikh untuk USIMians register kos masing2…
then dapat tau, next sem ade perubahan kls…
ktorg br sem.1 s0 xtau pape ttg ney..
ingtkn ta0n 2 br ade perubahan, rupa2nye sem.2 pn dh berubah…

Am quite sad 4 this changes…
we’re like 0ne big family…
0ne sem together,, for first year student,, such a memorable story…
everything that happened really give a strong memory for us..
akhir2 sem br btl2 rapat..
ta0n 1 kn masing2 br knl,, then makin rapat-makin rapat…
bila dh betul2 rapat ney tetibe kne berpisah plak..
sedih la…. :’(

s0 kay guys, pape pn life must go 0n~
still bley jmpe dlm dewan kuliah, 1 kos kn…
lain kls je pn..
bley je salu jmpe…..
plus, dpt buat kwn baru, ramai kenalan baru di kls baru…
m0ga ukhuwah yg terjalin sepanjang sem.1 ttp kekal even terpisah di sem.2..
ade rezeki kte skelas lg di sem.3 nnti…
s0 n0 worries… just be happy to meet new friend kay..
hope the new environment will make us more focus on study…

S0, stakat ney je la..
till meet in another entry..
thanks 4 reading~
salam ukhuwah =)

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Dear Niqobis sekalian . . . . .

Jika dahulu diperhatikan wanita menayangkan gambar terdedah aurat menjadi perhatian dari sang lelaki untuk "comment". 

Sebelum ini wanita yang bertudung labuh menayangkan gambar muka secara umum pula
menjadi perhatian sang lelaki untuk "comment". 

Kini terbaru wanita berpurdah yang sengaja mempamerkan gambar berpurdahnya (kadang-kadang PEACE) juga menjadi perhatian dari sang
lelaki untuk "comment". Malah jumlah "comment"
mampu menjangkau ribuan atau puluhan ribu.

Itulah katogeri 'perempuan yang BUAT-BUAT macam TAKNAK
dinampak,tapi SEBENARNYA NAK dinampak' oleh kaum aku(lelaki)..

P/s: Jangan salahkan purdah tetapi salahkan individu yang jahil memahami hakikat berpurdah. Purdah untuk menghijabkan diri dan bukan lesen untuk "mempamerkan" muka di facebook. FAHAMKAN INI SEBAIK-BAIKNYA MUSLIMAH..

 Ini Adalah antara luahan seorang akhi :
Kepada niqabis sekalian.....gambar2 berahi anda yg anda pamerkan di fb anda sebenarnya mencampak org2 beriman ke dlm neraka.... Ustaz sy pernah berkata, "sy kalau terpandang pmpuan2 seksi ni,dah x rsa apa dah...x naik nfsu pun,naik MELUAT je....mata dgn sndri berpaling,sbb rsa bersalah tgk bnda kalau yg BERPURDAH lalu dpan...mata msti nak tgk dan 'keinginan' dtg dlm hati sbb laki bila tgk pmpuan lama2,otaknya MELAYANG walaupun pmpuan tu berpurdah berjubah full tutup aurat...!!!! syaitan menipu kita,syaitan ckp,'tgk pmpuan seksi kan haram,tgk la yg pkai purdah,xharam,sbb diorg tutup aurat,tgk la diorg...tgk la puas2...sjuk ati kan?tgk la lagi..halal tu....'' *jadi pd pringkat sy,wanita purdah adalah FITNAH kpd sy...*

P/S: Delete/private sekarang....atau Rasulullah akan berpaling wajah dari kalian di padang mahsyar nanti kerana kecewa kalian menjadi ASBAB ramai lelaki soleh masuk neraka......

#berkata sesuatu yang benar itu amat pahit tapi inilah kebenarannya yang mesti diterima ramai... 

Saturday 2 February 2013

Umah ku diserbu!! o(>p<)o

Umah ku diserbu!!
d0rg buat pakatan dtg menyerbu ke rumah ku di malam hari~
kne serbu dgn ape?? Knp?
Ha!ney nk cite ney~
they really inspire me t0 write something t0night~
huh! Mmg lemah jantung bt0l lha men ngn d0rg ney~

di malam yang tenang,, angin yg bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa terasa mendamaikan..
sheewah! Aya Himitsu berpuitis la plak ~~”
di saat sedang asyik membaca contengan Hlovate, tetibe pntu umah di ketuk~
“Assalamualaikum,,, kami dtg ade hajat”
Mak ai! Sapa plak ney yg dtg bwk hajat memalam buta ney??
Lol. My peer lha~
ingtkn s0rg,
 rupanya berdua,
 bkn, bertiga,
eh berempat,,
There’re five 0f them c0me into my house…
mak ai! Ramainye~
ade rombongan che kiah ke hape ney??
xpna2 dtg umah tetibe je dtg serbu rmai2~

whenever they come in and sit infr0nt of me,,
they start asking me,,
Lol. Mcm penjenayah kne s0al siasat pn ade -_-

then 0ne of them with n0vel in her hand,, she ask me,,
“do u have any0ne?? we come t0 pr0pose u… just tell us if u already have 0ne”
her eyes still at the novel..
what is this??
I n0e this is just a nonsense thing…
n0 way la they c0me t0 propose me,, since when they start d0 this such of part time job??
then, the 0ther start saying,,
“Aya just be honest”
“Aya tell us the truth”
“Aya just story to us if u have anything”
“Aya tell us la,, we want to hear that”

am start confusing ???? –“
what all these about??
I cannot think anything?
Lol. They make me become nervous la..
mmg 6pk kot muka cuak~
mmg cuak giler rase nye mse 2~
tata0 nak kate hape da~
Ape sume ney??

Then they start telling the truth b0ut their intention come visit me at this such a beautiful night~
d0rg sian tgk muka cuak Aya..
then tell me that they come here all of a sudden cause wanna ask my 0pinion bout Baju Batik for our course..
we didn’t have one yet..
0ther course already have it, and they already wear it since few month ag0..
but 0ur course still didn’t make any decision bout which one is suitable to make as Baju Batik for us..

Lol. That’s all~
th0ugh there’s anything serius they wanna ask me…
all of a sudden they come here,
knok the door then whenever they come in, they start asking such a nonsense thing…
haissh! Buat org suspen je korg ney~
Br ta0n 1 kot~
sape nk kawen nyer??
but,, mmg ade pn… hahahaaa

0ne 0f the reasons why am I nervous is because I think this might be true that they wanna ask me bout this such of things..
am n0t scare of anything cause am still single 0kay~
but n0t available lha~ heh
maybe they already heard bout 0ne of us will get married s0on s0 they may come in order t0 get the real story.. maybe…..
this is what I though~
am start t0 think ‘better I tell them that the 0ne wh0 will get married is Ash la n0t me’
But I think I shouldn’t tell them cause better they kn0w bout this from Ash herself~
Am start t0 …. ( I d0nt kn0w what kind of face I have this time??)
But ~~
bef0re I get chance t0 tell bout this , they st0p it then tell bout their intention..
0wwwwwhh! I was s0 relief! My God! They make my heart beating 100% fast than normall people -.-“
then, they ask me,,
“why u nervous?? Is it something u hide from us? Is it true?”
N0 la~
there’s no such of things here la~
all we’ve t0 d0 here is just learn what we have t0 learn,, study and d0 what we’ve t0 do~
there’s nothing else in my mind~
just focus on study~
0kay girls???
get it?
ha! Then st0p do such a nonsense things la…
its ok if u guys just kidding~
heh >.<
Then, after we finished discuss bout the Baju Batik, they all go t0 0ther house that same course with us..
am n0t sure whether they do the same thing at other house..
But h0nestly, its really make me feel like ‘argh! What is this??’
 Am just blur bout why were they become like that??
There are a few of them, I never thought she has this sense of humour cause everything I met her, I just saw her serius face…
But I think this is Quite funny t0 kenakan org sekali skala, tgk reaksi dorg kne tp0o cemani??
Lol. K0rg ney mmg la~
hahahahahhaa xD

Skang still in ELSP s0 that’s why la entry kali ney agak speaking omputish sket~
dah dk blaja omputish je smggu ney,,
ter’ influence ‘ la plak.. heh
Just ignore bout my broken grammar~
am still in learning pr0cess..
am not really g0od in English.. perhaps by writing in English its will help me t0 impr0ve my English..
h0pe s0~
That’s all fr0m me f0r n0w~
Till we meet again in next entry~

~ Xoxo ~