Sunday 31 March 2013

Pagi yg mem "Blurrrrrr' kan....

Ohaiyo Gozaimassu !!
Pagi yang indah dan permai.....
am s0 sleepy right n0w c0z am very tired ! >.<
Lab database sedang berlangsung krg but am d0ing nothing !
blurrrrr !
dunnowhat to do ??!
whats should i do??
madam suh bace lab then buat sdri....
pagi2 cenggini otak jem !
Blurr tata0 nk buad hape?? -_-"
okeh . done.
cari sesape suh ajarkan....
done nonsense........ !
enough here.

Pagi yang memblurrkan bersama nadhirah mazelah dan nur iffah umran.


Thursday 21 March 2013

Tired . ( fullstop )

to all my blod readers~|
Lets take five,,
d0esnt mean eat kit kat 4 take 5,,
but take 5, breath then say Alhamdulillah..
take 5, say Astaghfirullahal’Azim…..

Alhamdulillah c0z am still alive until now…..
Astaghfirullahal’Azam c0z I’ve made lots of d0sa….

Kadang2 kita terlupa untuk ucapkan Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat yang dikurnia-Nya,,
manusia tidak sunyi dari berbuat dosa even maybe in uncounsious…..
sape boleh cakap hari nie dy xbuat dosa langsung?
kita bukan nabi yang bersifat ma’sum yakni tidak berbuat dosa…
kita hanyalah manusia biasa yang hidup sementara di atas dunia ney…..
manusia yang sering kali lupa alpa untuk mengucapkan Alhamdulillah atas segala nikmat-Nya.

am tired.
full stop.
actually that’s all I want to say….
but since am going to write in blog, which a social network that’s people used too write a long thing, not just a short things like a statement….
alang-alang da menaip ney, taip la pnjg sket…

am really tired now,, a kind of exhausted maybe.
it’s a long day today…
am just arrived hostel on 8,, waiting 4 the bus on 7…
that’s normal here…
even though u’ve to wait a few hours, its worth to wait,,
bc0z u’ll get home safetly rather than use another way…

am tired with lots of things to do…
am I going to have headache??
hope not….
that’s all…
am still not really well until now…
but just pretend to be okay infronts of others…
dont wanna make any0ne worried~
am fine. Thank you =)
da fake smile?
sometime we need that.
Definetly not in everything, depends on situations…
for others sake,, maybe its allow…
there’s no rules in smile,,
whether u want to smile in happiness,
smile in sadness,,
smile in tiredness,
or just smile when u speechless….

what am I bubbling here??
am tired.
da start merapu tah pape…
tgh unstable ….
if u read anything here that u think out ur mind,
don’t take it serius…
just ignore it….

enough here.
tah pape la…..
jd cmni sbb penat…
xtau nk taip ape dah….

Saturday 16 March 2013


Alhamdulillah masih dikurniakan peluang untuk bernafas di bumi Allah ney..
amalan nk bwx ke akhirat mmg xcukup lg, so grab this chance to make as many as we can to make pahala untuk bekalan di alam sana nanti….
awal2 entry lagi truz msk slot tazkirah kn…
korg yg baceentry ney sihat x? sape yg sihat wal-afiat 2 say “Alhamdulillah”
syukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dikurniakan kesihatan…
Nikmat sihat dan Nikmat Kesihatan, 2 nikmat yg sering dilupakan oleh manusia..
Bila dah terdesak,, kesuntukan masa br sedar betapa besar nya nikmat masa lapang 2..
cm2 la jgk ngn nikmat sihat,, bila sakit br la sedar betapa besarnya nikmat sihat yang Allah kurniakan.

Actually am not really well these few days~
I’ve got fever lha~
asyik dpt ucapan & msj “syafakillah” since 2 days ago~
xtau erk? “syafakillah” ney perkataan dr bahasa arab buat org yg sakit..
senang cite, lbey kurang cm “get well soon” gitu la…
thnx buat korg yg amx berat kt Aya Himitsu ney… terharu! Sob3 :’)
Biase dmm kt umah mak jaga,, (oho~ anak mak ka? Mmg saia anak parents saia key) haha
last sem kne chicken pox, s0 demam truz blk umah… best je mak jaga… thnx mom! =)
sem ney dmm je, xkne chicken pox pn so xblk la… ( nk sgt ke kne chicken pox lg ?! Nauzubillah )
s0 stay je kt ostel… seb baik kengkawan sume prihatin…. Tenzzz sgt! >.< luv u ollss!!!

actually hr khamis da start rase nk selesema, bg pg sakit tekak, pedih je ase,, mmg nk demam la ney..
then start la pns,, skt kepale, xsedap badan…
Jumaat makin teruk… kt kuliah pn dk batuk2,, (spoil btl la aya ney,, org lain dk focus kt lecture, Aya dk batuk2… what kind of distraction lha~ tp da batuk nk wt cemani -_-“ )
satu kuliah boley dengar aya batuk bile dorg sume senyap… pesal la korg senyap sgt??! ~~”

then lps kuliah msk kls,, lm kls oke sket, seb baik xbatuk kuat sgt…
abz kls rase makin truk! Mmg nk ttp mate je ase,, org demam mmg ase nk tdo je~
tgh tggu bas 2 ase nk lelap kt c2 je, even tgh panas terik pn…
serious mmg xlarat tahap xhengat je.. buat2 kuat je.. xnk ssh kn sape2~
bas first xsmpat naik, mmg xlarat nk berebut, seb baik ade bas lg so naik bas second~
then blk 2 serius xley buat ape da,, truz td0~
barang pn tggl tepi katil je, xlarat da nk bukak loker~

condition makin teruk kot!
mmg xley bgn da~
2 la~ kwn ajak p HEP jmpe Dc xnk~
actually Aya Himitsu ney xske mkn ubat…. Heeee
xske bergantung kt ubat~
lau boley sembuh sdri lg bgs…
ingt kn xteruk so xmkn ubat pn la.. hehe
hr Jumaat 2 mmg teruk sgt rase,, lgsg xmkn even minum pape~
hr sbtu pn still xbertenaga,, gagahkan diri bgn..
then mkn panadol…
sume rase sakit,, sakit kepala, sakit pinggang, sakit blakang,, sume la~
apsal la xblk~
sakit cenggini pt0t blk~
mommy! Miss home, miss u!! hukhukhuk (anak manja? Oho~ need mom’s love. huhuu)

Alhamdulillah, am better now..
even batuk seems like makin teruk~
demam makin oke, batuk plak getting worst -_-
mase sakit ney la br sedar betapa besarnya nikmat sihat!
Alhamdulillah Aya sihat,, even demam pn, at least sihat jgk nk dibandingkan
ngn pesakit2 kronik kt spital 2 kn~
Alhamdulillah.. terima kasih ya Allah kerana mengurniakan kesihatan buatku dan keluargaku,
juga buat teman-temanku.. moga kami sentiasa dalam keredaan-Mu… aAmeen..

Even xblk pn,, kwn2 sume take care,,
thanks sgt kt sume…
even kte br knl,, xsmpai sta0n pn lg,, tp korg sgt caring…
thnx sgt!!!!
I really appreciate it…
buat yg siap dtg melawat 2 thnx…
yg msj pn…
 myb sbb doa korg jgk kot aya makin sihat ney…
Jazakallah.. =)

Wednesday 13 March 2013


Petang-petang ney memang otak jem la….
am supposed to submit my assignment cause the due date’s t0night!!
omo~ am not done yet! >.<
actually dah siap pn,, just nk kne edit blk conclusion,, panjang kn ayat~
ciput je buat konklusi,, sedang mencari konklusi la ney~
wah! My pebret band nyanyi lagu 2 untuk I la! G0 Hujan! Go Hujan!
erk?! Da xbtoi da p merapu ntah pape….
siyes memang otak jem~
tade idea la~
urghhh! Pelis la ~ o my brain~
pelis la bergerak cm jimmy neutron ,,
muncul kan mentol idea 2~ s0 then I can finish up my work~
sedang mencari idea untuk mengarang konklusi 4 my assignment~

Petang2 cenggini mmg la otak xjalan sgt~
ngantuk la plak lps mkn ney~
2 pasal otak xjalan~  -_-“
best je g makan nasi goreng pattaya + fresh oren~
mmg kenyang n’ ngantuk la kn ~~”

am gonna work hard to get an idea to write the conclusion then I can submit it~
assignment ney xley nk main postpone~
t smpai due date,, masa tggl tahap nyawa hujung halkum baru kalut nk hntr,
mmg rase dunia xcukup oksigen nk bernafas la…
s0 kne la buat awal2,, sket2 xpe asal buat jgn dk tggh2 smpai masa br nk start buat…

just nk relaks jap,, so rase nk tulis something kt my belog ney~
okay,, sambung “mencari konklusi”
dk menaip kt belog ney mmg xsiap la my assg 2 alamatnye~
wait 4 my next entry~

Xoxo  ;))

Sunday 10 March 2013

Window shopping (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

Ohaiyo Gozaimassu! Sobahal Khoir! Good Morning! Selamat Pagi!
Ohho~ Hari ney pagi2 lagi da ne msk lab… 3 jam kne dk lm lab ney~
Memandangkan madam not arrive yet,, s0 ape lagi, hapdet my belog lha~
wahahaa >.<
suke dk campus ade line~
nk wt cemani kn,, kolej kediaman-Qu yg terchenta 2 tade wifi~
sadis kn?? Sob3 ! :’(
tape-tape~ n0 worries,, kt campus kn ade line s0 ape lg, pkai la.. hohoho (-.-)
s0 skang mase untuk update blog!
cepat2 6t madam dtg lak!
ney nak cite ney,, heheee
semalam Aya Himitsu pegi shopping~
nie la sbbnye nape bdk2 U salu kehabisan duit,, shopping pnye psl la ~~”
wait a minute! Am not talking bout me kays!! Aya Himitsu pnda bajet duit sdri kay!
wohoo~ back up diri sdri~ hahahaa xD
tade la shopping byk mne pn~
g jejalan, window shopping je..

Mid valley skang tgh buat IT Fair,, sape2 rase nk rembat gadget baru,, baik pegi!
Rugi xpegi! Murah giler kot dy pnyer harga brg mse IT Fair ney~
0ne of it is Harddisk.. Aya beli kt kampus aritu RM285,, ney pn lps discount, then discount lagi..
kt IT Fair @ Mid Valley ney just RM230 lbey je… mak ai! Ja0h kot beza nye!!
RM50 lbey beza! >.<
dah beli pn kn kt campus aritu,xkn nk beli lg, even murah pn…
Gadget2 lain pn murah jgk…
mmg d0rg bg discount terbaik pnyer la!
mmg rmbg mata k0t kt cne!!
kt0rg pegi berempat,, Aya just sempat rembat Headphone je..
lps discount dpt la  RM55.. ok la,, not bad la, sound ok, dy pnye kualiti pn High Quality pnye product la,, yg best nye,, mic dy blh ltk or cabut je..
Boley la pkai buat skype.. hehee ;p

Then kt0rg msk MPH, cari buku n’ alat tulis,,
al-maklumlah vaucer buku BR1M kn sume mahasiswa mahasiswi dapat~
s0 pkai la ble da free ney kn~ hehe
ktorg stuck kt MPH 2 jam! >.<
Mak ai! Lame giler kot! Bkn cari bku yg lame,, beratur yg lame!
Cari buku stengah jam je, beratur lak sejam setengah!! Lame!!
mmg pnjg giler la barisan 2! Akk cashier ckp weekend mmg cm2, normal la..
Erk! Normal? Akak ckp normal? 2 pn dah asing yg byr pkai cash barisan lain,
bayar pkai vaucer barisan lain… da asing pn sill pnjg yg amat!
klu x asing xtau la… -_-“
mcm ney akk ckp normal at weekend?
penat seyh! Sakit kaki berdiri lame2!
klu bce bku kt c2 xyah beli dah, sempat je habiskan sambil beratur 2~
Beli bku abz seratus~ pkai vaucer la seratus 2~
mcm2 beli,, bku2 & alat tulis skali~

Pagi msk pc fair cuci mata tgk gadget2, tgh hari g usha2buku kt MPH lak,
then petang jalan2 cari fasal kt Mid Valley 2~
wh0oops! Tade cari pasal ngn sesape erk~ haha
just jalan2 round mid valley 2 je….
window shopping kn,, x beli pape pn… just g mkn je…
best dpt mkn seasoned mee, yee mee~ lame da xmkn, akhirnya dpt mkn,, cedaap! ^^

Then dr mid valley blk umah kwn kt Kajang naik KTM…
td0 kt kajang la mlm 2~
Then esoknya kwn ajak p jejalan kt kajang lak~
window shopping lg kt kajang 2~
round2 mall kt kajang 2,, ntah ape name mall 2, lupe da ~~”

Pusing pnye pusing,, byk giler kdai brg kemas kt c2,,
lps 1, 1 kdae ktorg msk,, setiap tgkt ade je kdae brg kemas so msk je la sume..
tade la sume skali tp agak2 lbih 5 kdae kot~ hohoho
cari ape? Cari cincin merisik~ Aya Himitsu buat kerja part time g merisik org~
sape nk Aya tlg risik kn sum0ne tuk dy contact me yeah! Hahahaha xD
acah je! Saje2 je msk kdae tgk2 cincin,, mne tau ade yg kot2 berkenan d’hearty,,
nnti boley la bwx “bakal” skali kn pegi beli.. heheeeee
(boley plak cm2? Mcm la da ade ~~” )
kengkawan yg excited nk msk try cincin 2,, dorg xcited nk cari colan2 buat peneman edop~
xlama lg boley mkn nasi minyak la 6pk nyer ney… haha
then lps msk kdae2 brg kemas 2 msk first lady n’ kdae2 baju,
kwn nk cari blous p tade 1 pn dy berkenan so xbeli pn~
just window shopping je la….
then msk Giant,, br beli something,, beli mknn je pn.. huhuuu
Puas hati g jejalan weekend ney~
sabtu mid valley, ahad kajang~
Best g outing ngn korg~
even ktorg x skelas, act Aya je kls lain, dorg bertiga skelas,
even cm2, dorg still baik, x mcm x skelas pn,, same je..
Best g jalan2… Aya mmg ske berjalan.. hehee
ajak je g memane konpem nk~ heeeee :p
Alhamdulillah dengan outing bersama mengeratkan lagi ukhuwah kita~
moga ukhuwah yg terbina atas dasar islam kekal hingga ke akhirnya..

p/s: tadi ade kwn ajak g PWTC lak ade book fair hujung bln 3 ney..
vaucer ade lg seratus,, boley la simpan untuk book fair 2 ~
yg ney pn kwn kl lain…. Best nyer nk g jejalan! Hehee
ble g jejalan ngn kwn yg lain kls ney, merapatkan lg ukhuwah ktorg,,
so tade la stakat g jejalan je, at least dpt eratkn ukhuwah islamiah~
chee wah! Ayattt~
smpai cni je… wait 4 my next entry yeh! ~_^
thnx 4 reading ! korg mmg terbaeekkk larh!

~ chia0 ~

Thursday 7 March 2013

Be Grateful.

Actually I don’t know what am thinking about…
just feeling like wanna write something..
maybe its because of am tired keeping everything inside,
without teeling anyone, just keep it myself…
and now, am gonna spit out what I’ve bury inside my heart…

Okays, first, actually am not a person like to share everything with pubic,,
just use this blog as a tools to share it cause I cant just keep everything by myself..
for me, its okay to write here cause am didn’t tell my peers bout this blog,,
but a few of them already know and have follow this blog -_-“
s0rry, but actually am not suggest any of my friend to follow or read this blog,
this blog just like my online diary, which am write anything I’ve keep here..
but its okay for those already follow, hope u guys just ignored my post kay…
am not a very secret one, but in few things I prefer to keep it…
but write here, for those who have no idea bout who am I,,
its okay for them to read any of my entry,, my online diary…

Everyone has their own attitude which are totally different with one anther..
just like me, am also different with u guys,, u also different with me..
everyone has their own life, the way of life also different..
it d0esn’t matter if anyone complain bout u, because its u, not them…
u live ur life, they live their life so don’t u ever complain bout others…

If u think anyone has a perfect family, complete everything they want,
that’s mean u have to check urself…
no one perfect in this world…
even they has everything, that’s what u see,how bout what u can’t see?
maybe they have their own problem but they just keep it by themselves,,
then whenever u didn’t see their problem then u said they’re s0 lucky,,
but if u aware bout everything u’ve, myb u’ll realize that u’re more lucky than them.
maybe there’s a lot of problem that they keep from public,
 rather then urself that live more happier than them without any big problem…

The point here is, we’ve to grateful for what we have…
our family, our friends, our facilities and so on…
Rather then people that unlucky not like us, they’re s0 poor…
s0 appreciate for what u have, take care of everything u have before u lost it.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Erk?! Novel………..?

Actually am doesnt like reading novel, instead, I really hate novel..
whenever I heard bout novel, yark! Novel? Ok, nk muntah..
w0i! agak la… ha! Xpepasal gaduh-gaduh sayang dengan kwn.. haha
why? Xske novel… tebal kot! Lol. -_-“ cemane la korg boleh hadap novel 2 seharian xbuat pape dk ngadap 2 je.. da la tebal giler… boley plak dk hadam 800 page in whole day?? Xrase nk muntah ke? Eewww~

0k. ancient story…
itu sume cite dulu kala.. cyeh!  Bley plak cm2.. (nk ckp skrg xcmtu da sbnrnye.. hehee)

But now, lain cite la…. Huuu

Dulu memang menyampah igiler la bile kengkawan sahabat handai dk cbuk berdiskusi novel 2 best novel ney best…. Lol. Novel kot! Not my taste lha!
Dr duk menyampah ngn novel 2 bley plak tetibe Aya Himitsu melanguk depan meja then atas katil, then kt beranda rumah,, dk ngadap novel.. haha >.<
really a drastic changes right? (diri sdri pn xcaye mula2 tu.. haha)

Mula nye pegi umah kawan hantar dy pnyer sijil2 sekolah…
mmg sedang kebuhsanan mase tUu…
Kwn Aya yg sorg ney mmg novel lurver pn,, ble gtau dy borink, dy suggest bace novel..
erk? Novel.. sorry, that’s not me la… tade nyer nk hadap buku tebal 2…..
slagi buku sejarah pn nk khatam 2 . . . . aduyai ~
ney kn pulak novel yg ntah pape je….. ape la yg best sgt novel ney… nk tau kne la bce…
s0 then kwn kasi a few novel.. da ckp xnk novel yg ala-ala tangkap chenta or something related…
s0 then, dy kasi novel Hlovate.. ( mmg xknl la Hlovate ney mse 2 c0z xpnh amx tau hal2 novel ney)

here’s the story begins~
Rooftop Rant – Hlovate .
Novel yg diberi pinjam oleh seorang teman disebabkan Aya sedang dalam kebuhsanan (bosan)
xtau nk buad ape da,, tgh cuti pnjg mse 2…..
s0 blk d rumah kwn, solat asar then start bce novel 2…
hurm, ok, jalan cerita menarik, xde part tangkap chenta pn dlm ney..
mmg dk ngadap novel 2 je la,, mlm pn td0 ntah kul bpe..
pg lps subuh smbg blk bace…
pendek kate xbuat ape dk hadap Rooftop Rant tUu~
0hho! N0w I kn0w why yg d0rg sume ble bce novel mmg akan smbg, smbg then smbg bace..
tade rase nk termuntah dh even tebal pn..
sbbnye bleb ace je one part, kte akn rase nk tau ape jadi ps2, s0 then smbg bace, ape jd lg? smbg, next..
begitulah seterusnya… pelik kn? Tade la pelik mane pn.. hahahhaha

But s0 kay, at least mase yg pakai dk ngadap novel ney xde la rase useless sgt this novel sgt bgs…
Rooftop Rant ney bukanlah cerita chenta cm most of the novel yg di jual kt kedai2 tu…
this novel sangat banyak bg pengajaran kt pembaca, bagi peringatan pada kita sebagai hamba Allah…
Hlovate berjaya menukilkan sebuah cerita yg mmg give awereness kt pembaca,, nukilan yg sgt best dan awesome ! Hlovate , well done…! That’s all can I said… because of u I’ve fall in love with novel,, specifically ur novel…
and now, I already read all of ur novel and I’ve been one of ur hard-die-fans =)
xsabar nk tggu karya terbaru Hlovate..
Latest Contengan Jalan… sangat-sangat best! Sape xbace g sila la dptkn segera..
bku yg sarat dengan pengajaran yg berguna untuk kita sebagai seorang muslim supaya dapat mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan seharian..

0keh. That’s all for now…
 wait 4 me in next story in another entry yeah!
smile always =)