Saturday 2 February 2013

Umah ku diserbu!! o(>p<)o

Umah ku diserbu!!
d0rg buat pakatan dtg menyerbu ke rumah ku di malam hari~
kne serbu dgn ape?? Knp?
Ha!ney nk cite ney~
they really inspire me t0 write something t0night~
huh! Mmg lemah jantung bt0l lha men ngn d0rg ney~

di malam yang tenang,, angin yg bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa terasa mendamaikan..
sheewah! Aya Himitsu berpuitis la plak ~~”
di saat sedang asyik membaca contengan Hlovate, tetibe pntu umah di ketuk~
“Assalamualaikum,,, kami dtg ade hajat”
Mak ai! Sapa plak ney yg dtg bwk hajat memalam buta ney??
Lol. My peer lha~
ingtkn s0rg,
 rupanya berdua,
 bkn, bertiga,
eh berempat,,
There’re five 0f them c0me into my house…
mak ai! Ramainye~
ade rombongan che kiah ke hape ney??
xpna2 dtg umah tetibe je dtg serbu rmai2~

whenever they come in and sit infr0nt of me,,
they start asking me,,
Lol. Mcm penjenayah kne s0al siasat pn ade -_-

then 0ne of them with n0vel in her hand,, she ask me,,
“do u have any0ne?? we come t0 pr0pose u… just tell us if u already have 0ne”
her eyes still at the novel..
what is this??
I n0e this is just a nonsense thing…
n0 way la they c0me t0 propose me,, since when they start d0 this such of part time job??
then, the 0ther start saying,,
“Aya just be honest”
“Aya tell us the truth”
“Aya just story to us if u have anything”
“Aya tell us la,, we want to hear that”

am start confusing ???? –“
what all these about??
I cannot think anything?
Lol. They make me become nervous la..
mmg 6pk kot muka cuak~
mmg cuak giler rase nye mse 2~
tata0 nak kate hape da~
Ape sume ney??

Then they start telling the truth b0ut their intention come visit me at this such a beautiful night~
d0rg sian tgk muka cuak Aya..
then tell me that they come here all of a sudden cause wanna ask my 0pinion bout Baju Batik for our course..
we didn’t have one yet..
0ther course already have it, and they already wear it since few month ag0..
but 0ur course still didn’t make any decision bout which one is suitable to make as Baju Batik for us..

Lol. That’s all~
th0ugh there’s anything serius they wanna ask me…
all of a sudden they come here,
knok the door then whenever they come in, they start asking such a nonsense thing…
haissh! Buat org suspen je korg ney~
Br ta0n 1 kot~
sape nk kawen nyer??
but,, mmg ade pn… hahahaaa

0ne 0f the reasons why am I nervous is because I think this might be true that they wanna ask me bout this such of things..
am n0t scare of anything cause am still single 0kay~
but n0t available lha~ heh
maybe they already heard bout 0ne of us will get married s0on s0 they may come in order t0 get the real story.. maybe…..
this is what I though~
am start t0 think ‘better I tell them that the 0ne wh0 will get married is Ash la n0t me’
But I think I shouldn’t tell them cause better they kn0w bout this from Ash herself~
Am start t0 …. ( I d0nt kn0w what kind of face I have this time??)
But ~~
bef0re I get chance t0 tell bout this , they st0p it then tell bout their intention..
0wwwwwhh! I was s0 relief! My God! They make my heart beating 100% fast than normall people -.-“
then, they ask me,,
“why u nervous?? Is it something u hide from us? Is it true?”
N0 la~
there’s no such of things here la~
all we’ve t0 d0 here is just learn what we have t0 learn,, study and d0 what we’ve t0 do~
there’s nothing else in my mind~
just focus on study~
0kay girls???
get it?
ha! Then st0p do such a nonsense things la…
its ok if u guys just kidding~
heh >.<
Then, after we finished discuss bout the Baju Batik, they all go t0 0ther house that same course with us..
am n0t sure whether they do the same thing at other house..
But h0nestly, its really make me feel like ‘argh! What is this??’
 Am just blur bout why were they become like that??
There are a few of them, I never thought she has this sense of humour cause everything I met her, I just saw her serius face…
But I think this is Quite funny t0 kenakan org sekali skala, tgk reaksi dorg kne tp0o cemani??
Lol. K0rg ney mmg la~
hahahahahhaa xD

Skang still in ELSP s0 that’s why la entry kali ney agak speaking omputish sket~
dah dk blaja omputish je smggu ney,,
ter’ influence ‘ la plak.. heh
Just ignore bout my broken grammar~
am still in learning pr0cess..
am not really g0od in English.. perhaps by writing in English its will help me t0 impr0ve my English..
h0pe s0~
That’s all fr0m me f0r n0w~
Till we meet again in next entry~

~ Xoxo ~

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