Friday 2 November 2012

Aya Himitsu in the house... :p

ohaiy0 g0zaimassu !
g0od morning :)
صباح النور :D
ha.. nk bhs ape ag??
(tu je tau,, yg len google sdri.. haha)
I'm back !!!
after a long time~~~~
Aya Himitsu in the house.. hhaahaaa :p
waaa~ suda lama Aya Himitsu xtulis blog.~
miss my cutie very much !
0keh, now just get a chance t0 write sumtim here....
i dont think i'll write something,
cause i think i'll write everything !
muahaaahaaaa XD
0keh, sape yg rase buhsan tata0 nk buad ape,, 
saje nk buang masa (erk?!) bley la bce entri ney smpai habez.. hahaa
rase nye entri kali ney agak pnjg.. hehee :p
mula entri,, (intro pn dh pnjg -_- )
dh lame Aya Himitsu tggl kn blog ney..
ade jer update, p bkn yg Aya Himitsu tullis la,,
mostly yg copypaste utk manfaat bersama..
klu Aya jmpe sometime yg bg benefit, 0r blh bg kesedaran kt pembaca,
Aya c0pypaste kt blog ney, s0 then korg pn take for granated eh...
lau capy Aya tuis je via sape 0r from sape...
bkn nye buad as hak milik Aya Himitsu ~
Agak lama Aya x update blog ney cause i've n0 time,, am t0o bz with campus life..
assignment blambak, kje lain pn byk,, plus tade tenet kt kolej kediaman s0 then, blog ditingglkn..
(buat seketika je eh.. dh dt blk nih! >.<  haha)
Lps register U hr 2 ade je update blog,,
p just taip cket2 je,, 2 pn update cause Que yg mtx,, dy nk tau pslcampus life Aya..
mse 2 taip kt lib,, xley taip manyak.. 2 pn xsng nk taip,, ramae sgt kot kt lib 2.. >.< haha
but n0w i can write anything cause no 0ne here.. haha
m0m ad je, p dy xbce blog ney, s0 tape la.. heh >.<
skang tgh cuti raye (lame nye?) plus cuti mid sem skali thats why la lame~
kt umah ney bley la nk 0n9 puas2..
mlm ney dh nk bertolak blk kampus dh.. bye2 home sweet home :'(
Nk blk kampus br update blog...
yg cuti lame2 dh 10 ary dk umah,, xsmpt unnk update..
assignment la,, ape lg..
td (smlm actually) xtd0 langsung pn.. ngeh3
nk siapkn assignment~
ad sket ag xslesai,, cket je ag..
s0 skang bley la nk membebel kt blog,, tgglkn assignment 2 kejap.. haha
sape suh wt kje last minute?!
actually ad misunderstanding lha -.-
Aya ingt kn due date lmbt lg, sekali tgk, rupenye,, duedate pz abz holiday.. heh >.<
ape lg,, buat jgn xbuat!
stay up utk siapkn!...
haha XD
campus life are definetly different with school life..
everything we've to do it by ourselves here...
if u're alert with something, u'll get it..
if u're unalert then u'll never get it~
0ne more thing,, campus life really need us t0 have many friend bc0z there's a lot of things to do..
group work very important here...
if u cant work together, u're the unlucky one cause after a work done,,
they'll know u can't work in group s0 then, after that if u have any other work,
n0 one will choose u to their group....
besides, we need t0 find soemone t0 be our bestfriend t0 share our sadness and happiness...
if we have pr0blems we can share with our bestfriend,, 
with this, we can release our stress..
its s0 stress and make us depressed t0 keep something 0r problem just by ourself..
when we stress, its will disrupt us in doing our jobs and make us cant focus on something,
then it will affect our study...
okai... its already 7 n0w....
lets go for a walk in early morning.. its good for our health.. 
dont just sit in front of lappy,
g0 outside, walk around ur house at least..
health suggestion...hehee
okai.. till we meet again...
(xtau ble bley update lg -_- )
thnx 4 reading~ bye..
ble view blk... (erk! pnjg nyerrrr !! )
sape yg bce smpai abezzz 2,, korg mmgfree sgt eh?? haha :D
thnx buad korg yg bce smpai titik noktah nie .

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